Precious Women’s Outreach teams visit beer gardens and karaoke bars in Phnom Penh. The Outreach staff talk to the women, listen to their stories, and introduce them to the opportunities available to them at Precious Women.
Precious Women’s Outreach teams visit beer gardens and karaoke bars in Phnom Penh. The Outreach staff talk to the women, listen to their stories, and introduce them to the opportunities available to them at Precious Women.
Empowerment Training sessions are organized at the Karaoke bars and Beer gardens. This is one of the ways that the Outreach staff continue building relationships with the women.
Once a month we hold Fellowship Parties, and invite women that we have met through the Outreach programs. We also hold Special Events three times a year for Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day,
The Voice of Hope radio program is broadcasted once a week through the Women’s Media Center 102FM in Cambodia. This radio broadcast raises awareness about women working in the entertainment industry in the KBB’s (karaoke bars and beer gardens). ……..